Fun Stuff
Well I got good news my bike is fixed. Yeah. The bike shop fixed it. I never heard from Bob about it. I couldn't wait any longer.
We set a new baptismal date with a kid name Nekko We are not sure if his dad is ok with it. So maybe you could say a little prayer for him and his family.
We go to the temple in San Deigo at 10 am they say it is beautiful inside. I can't wait to see it.
Maranda just vanished on us. She is not staying at her appt in our complex any more.
We are going on a tracting fast. Not tracting for 10 days. We found Nekko through a member.
I just got your card with the In and Out card. Thanks so much. I do not get packages until zone confrences which is every 6 weeks. Unless it United States Postal Service and then only if the Zoney feels like it.
It sounds like everybody is doing great !
Stay Classy
Love Elder Schmidt"